Based on death records, obituaries, marriage records and church records our German ancestors are from a region of Germany called Uckermark in the Northeast part of the state of Brandenburg. See map at left.
The capital of the Uckermark is Prenzlau. The Uckermark is a forest and lake-rich landscape between the rivers Havel and lower Oder. Main branch of economy was always agriculture.
Since two of the earliest DeSombres took up farming in America, I believe that they may have farmed while in Germany as their source of income.
Our ancestors grew up when the country was still Prussia. It became Germany in 1871, about nine years before they began to come to America.
With the edict of Potsdam 1685 Friedrich William “the Great Elector” invited the Huguenots from France into his country (Prussia). Could it be around this time or thereafter when our ancestors came to Prussia from France?
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